Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Murphy gets his name

As I prepared to leave.. everyone asked me where my horse was from.... which in mustang language means which HMA. I was excited to find out also because prior to leaving I had studied the Utah HMA's and their horses and so I had just enough knowledge to be dangerous. I dug the papers out of my bag of BLM goodies and .......... Three Fingers.... Vale, Oregon. WHAT!!! Yes I drove to Utah passing 3 closer BLM holding facilities to pick up my Utah horse who is from Oregon! Now that is Murphy's Law. I guess very few of the geldings in this contest where born in Utah..... Go figure.

So I walked up to the trailer to see my OREGON horse, I stepped up on the running board and said "Hey Murphy how ya doing." He looked at me and touched my hand like that had been his name all his life....... Well, I guess it will be now!!!!

I am exited to say that Murphy is taking to technology as fast as Ima did and he seems to have a sense of humor. To keep him busy on the long drive home I showed him how to use the camera.

The first thing he wanted to see was "Utah in the Rear View Mirror". I told him the song was about Texas and he said.. wild horse don't know state lines......

Here's another shot of what you get to look at for 6oo miles if you come watch me in the finals on November 7 in Heber City, Utah.

Murphy cracked me up when he took this picture for all his new friends in California who have never seen this while pulling a trailer...... (For all you non-Californians the speed limit for trailers is 55 in CA, 75 in NV and UT). Murphy's law every time I come home from a road trip I get a speeding ticket in CA. LOL

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