Friday, July 31, 2009

Mountain Valley MMO

Howdy everybody:
Sorry I haven't written. Ima changed the passwords and I haven't been able to get on this thing!! Just wanted to inform you all: I have been accepted into the November Extreme Mustang Makeover in Heber City, Utah. That's right just when I thought it was safe to go back in the barn...... Another wild horse will be arriving. I will be making the round trip to the Salt Lake City Wild Horse Corrals on Friday the 7th of August to pick up my 'plain brown wrapper' gelding.

Called the Mountain Valley MMO the finals will be November 7th during the Heber City Cowboy Poetry Gathering and Buckaroo Festival. I am the only Californian entered!!! So I'll need some back up in the stands! Check out the festival website and make plans to come, it looks like a great time is had by all.

This show has different rules then any of the other contests so should be interesting. Need to find a name soon...... Keeping with the theme I think Heza Your Horse may be it......

Until next week.... Remember: "Life is short, Ride your good horse first"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's in a name?

A number of people asked me how Ima got here name. So I thought I would tell everyone:

It is old cowboy lore that it is bad luck to change a horse's name. This left me in a delima because I was supposed to name a horse that wasn't even mine. How could I do that? I kept trying to think of a name people I didn't even know would like. I kept coming up with the fact, it just wasn't right to name a horse that wasn't mine. And I definitely didn't want it changed.

Then I came up with "Your Horse". Because I thought of how it would sound over the loud speakers: "And now Sue Watkins riding your horse". Say it out loud, it does sound rather funny! Good! I had a name that no one could change. No matter what the new adopters wanted to call her at home, she would still be 'your horse'.

Now for a 'barn' name. I started to just call her 'Y' or why. Because I figured she was wondering Y she was here and I was wondering Y I was doing this.. A women over 50, breaking wild mustangs..... And about 10 years ago I wrote a short story that was published in a magazine, it was also titled "Y". So I felt good with a name of just "Y", most of my clients and friends, not so much.

So one evening I got a call: IMA! I've got it. Call her I'ma my friend said to me. Ima is a nice old fashioned girls name and she can be "I'ma Your Horse".

So there ya go. Ima Your Horse it was.

Hope you are all finding time to get in the saddle. There is no better view!!