Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 70.....

Mountain Valley Murphy checkin in to say Howdy on day seventy of 90 days training for the Heber City UT, Mountain Valley Mustang Makeover Contest. I am very tired after a wonderful weekend training with the world renown Richard Winters from the Thatcher School in Ojai, CA, so I will turn the keyboard over to Sue. I don't know why Ima liked to blog so much guess it is a girl thing I have no interest in typing when there is hay I could be eating.

Thanks Murphy. Well now that he is out of earshot, I can tell everyone he is one awesome horse! I really feel blessed to have been given such a wonderful creature to transform into an enjoyable human companion. Murphy is everything you could want in a great riding horse. He is quiet and easy to be around. He gets along great with all animals from sheep to cows, mini horses, etc. He is still wary of dogs as his mothers words that they will eat him still ring in his ears. Although he has never shown any aggression towards them, they still worry him a little bit.

woops... I'll finish later...


  1. Hey Sue:
    Ima here, going back to see the doctor on November 9 - he wants me to have a month long sleep over. My new parents said go for it - in fact, they bought me a new coat with my name of it. It is in my favorite color, green. Anyway, I will try and send you a note or two to let you know how I am getting along. Tell Murphy, the computer can be a beautiful thing and I love reading his posts.
    Ima - Shoshone

  2. Hey Sue:
    Ima here, my new email address is - Just in case there was any confusion. Still waiting to hear from you!

  3. Sorry, I know that this comes a little late but my new mom would like to thank all my sponsors - Do you think you can send her a list of people to thank...
    much appreciated,

  4. Come on home Murphy, we can not wait to see you! I have never met you, but there is not a mustang that I didn't love.

    Ima Shoshone

  5. Ima Shoshone is done with surgery - too bad that she can not get back her until December. Doc Errico likes her and wants her to stay so that he can monitor her progress. She is a sweet horse - can't wait to spend some time with her.

  6. Woohoo: Shoshone my girl is coming along fine - surgery was successful and Doc Errico is keeping a good eye on her. Thanks Doc,
