Howdy: Ima Your Horse here reporting for team Mustang at Pony Boot Camp. Well day 21 was the big one. Camp Mother climbed aboard for ride number one and it went swimmingly. She was planning on riding me on day 15 but her trip out of town gave me a reprieve until today. I was a very good girl and as expected I am very sticky with a lot of brace in my neck and face. I never feel like bucking but I do not like to turn or flex my neck so I might think about running away sometime. Walley was a big help showing me how to move around the round pen. I even backed up! She acted like I didn't know how, Camp Mother can be so silly.

With her never ending sense of humor, (she even likes the joke Hay Bartender, why the long face....) Camp Mother snuck out and took pictures of me in my PJ's eating dinner. My new roommate Neptune a 7 yr old Morgan in for training irates me, he tries to boss me around through the corral fence. I have to keep telling him to kiss off. Wish Walley could be my roommate but he's Camp Mother's pet student so he gets to live in the big pasture..... He's such a hunk. Just to play hard to get, I kicked him when Camp Mother was riding me... it is all on

tape. Bet he doesn't think I am one of those easy Nevada show girls now!
Well, there is a line of campers waiting to use the internet and my bucket of Bar Ale feed is calling my name. So Ima Your Horse signing off from sunny but still windy central California.
Remember whistle, grin and ride
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