Well here it is day 6 of pony boot camp. It seems like I spend allot of time being dressed and undressed in outfits I did NOT pick out myself. Walley says that is because Sue who everyone here calls Camp Mother is a girl so she likes to play dress up... I don't know what a girl is but I do know I don't like the dress up thing. I am wearing a bridle and surcingle with a pad so I am told.
I think I am getting a crush on Walley who seems to be the camp assistant around here. That was until he said my bridle brings out the brown in my eyes but the blue pad makes my butt look big. I told him to kiss my hoof, so he is now keeping a respectable distance as seen in the company photo.

It looks like once you have some seniority around here, camp ain't so bad, these mustangs told me they were 'broke' so they get to be in a grass pasture and lay around in the sun, while I live in a small dorm room and have to play dress up all day. When I was rounded up I heard cowboys in Nevada say they hated being broke but looking at these other mustangs I can't wait.

Wow, just when the sun comes out and I don't think I will have to stand in the rain for a few months, I find out they have instant rain here at camp. If I was a fish or frog I might think this was a 5 star place. But personally I am not, let me repeat NOT impressed!

Camp mother brought me my dinner which she said is being sponsored by Bar Ale Feed in Winters, CA. One of those Nevada cowboys said he had a sponsor so he had to go to meetings. I hope if me having a sponsor means I have to go to meetings they have food like this! Of course first I had to dress up in my PJ's. Please make her stop!!!
Good night from Pony Boot Camp USA
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