Dear Diary: Well it has been a week since I had time to put pen to hoof and tell ya'll what is going on here at Pony Boot Camp. Camp Mother was very busy attending a Ranch Roping clinic with Dave and Gwynn Weaver so I was left to just stand around and soak it all in. Here are pictures of the Por Fin Ranch where the clinic was. What a view!
Today I got my first real bath with soap, conditioner, the whole box and dice. I certainly don't remember that being in the brochure! And I am not nearly as impressed with my braided tail as Camp Mother is. Please make her stop...
I am very, very excited to tell you the meals here just got a whole lot better!!! I have another great sponsor. Elk Grove Milling is providing me with Stable Mix Pellets..... Boy are they good!!
If you want a great meal be sure to check out Bar Ale Feeds and Elk Grove Milling Pellets!!! Your horse will thank you!! And I really, really thank them both for graciously sponsoring my meals here at camp!! My condition and coat has already improved. (I hope Walley notices, boy is he a hunk!)
It's lights out time. So Ima Your Horse signing off from sunny but very windy California.