Wow here we are at Day 51. I am so sorry I have been too busy to keep you all posted. but actually being gone for 5 weeks there was nothing to say! Now we are well over half way there. Murphy is doing as best as can be expected considering his very little training. Today was a big day we went to a Western Horse Show at the Sacramento Horseman's Association. I also took my number one leadline student, who graduated to riding her 3 yr old Kiger Mustang filly alone today and had the most picture perfect rides in the trail classes I have every seen for any age! Earning her a 1st and 2nd in trail plus 2 -8th's in the riding classes.
To bring you up to speed on Murphy's culmination today riding in a real arena with other horses, loud speakers, etc. Here are his statistics: He has been 'captive' for 51 days. He has worn a halter 21 times, He was saddled 6 times before I climbed on. Today was the 8th time he has ever been ridden. Today was the 3rd time he has been taken off the ranch.
His first trip was the 3rd time I saddled him when I took him to a regional park for a ride, his riding companions were a donkey and a mule! He saw back packers, hikers and had to cross narrow 'person' bridges over the irrigation canals.
His first trip was the 3rd time I saddled him when I took him to a regional park for a ride, his riding companions were a donkey and a mule! He saw back packers, hikers and had to cross narrow 'person' bridges over the irrigation canals.
The 2nd trip was Friday night to a local team penning where I ponied him through the cows.. He loved it! He is going to be a cow eating machine! He was a little too 'goosey' to ride, so I just ponied him off "MY " mustang Walley.
And today's outings started with us entering the Halter classes.. Murph has only worn a rope halter so I was surprised the transition to the show halter went so smooth. I used a long lead rope with no show chain, in case he did one of his 'turn and burn' I'm outa here moves. But he never batted an eye. Not even at the miniature horses that attended the show and did a good job of spooking lots of horses. With a 5th place win in Halter, non-color, Open and a 6th in Halter 3 yr olds and older, Open. Murphy said he was ready to try a riding class.
After lots of preparation in the near by round pen, we headed to the trail course. I train from day one on lots of obstacles, but Murphy is very careful of anything new, bordering on spooky. They had lots of fake flowers in the arena, so I kept my nightlatch close by. LOL
The course started with opening the gate which went smooth until the closing part which we gave up on. I see I need to get the lateral work started. He just didn't understand sidepass.
Trotting through the brickwalls was touch and go, just a little narrow for Murphy's taste. Trotting over the jump was flawless.
But then the lack of lateral training reared its head again as we made a disaster of sidepassing over the pole.........
The trot serpentine through the flowers got a little dicey, as they were VERY close together. But we did not miss a one. Yea Haw!! Was I proud!
The second time at the gate was much better. It took a few tries but we did the whole thing!!
Three Cheers for Mountain Valley Murphy!!! WHAT A GUY!
This is one incredible horse. I have never in my life tried to do something like a trail course in a public arena on a horse with 8 rides. This horse is priceless!!
This is one incredible horse. I have never in my life tried to do something like a trail course in a public arena on a horse with 8 rides. This horse is priceless!!