Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ima the trick riding horse!!!
So here is my first attempt at a possible new profession. Please send in your votes on whether this is the right profession for me????? We also dressed me up as a Dr. Seuss character but couldn't decide what my Seussical name should be. Any suggestions????
If Camp Mother was as good a computer trainer as she is horse trainer she would have the video playing here in my diary, but pasting the link is the best she can do......poor humans, they have no feel, no timing, no rhythm and just aren't real bright, no wonder we have such a hard time training them.
More Napa Mustang Days pictures to come.......
Remember to "fix it up and let em find it" Ray Hunt...... May he ride in peace.
Napa Mustang Days
Sue was still not supposed to be riding due to her previous injuries, so she and I just did a simple demo of what I know how to do so far, walk trot, canter, halt, back and a few tricks. I never once got stage fright from the announcer stand or audience under all the easy up tents for shade, not even when they all applauded loudly!! I am so awesome!! And I even did a perfect job carrying a flag with 3 other riders also with flags! Our rehearsal was flawless. One of the other riders was Janet Titus the 2nd place winner from last years Western States Mustang Makeover with her MMO horse. She is way cool and a good rider. Unfortunately the presentation got out of order and the flag routine was scratched from the performance. So I didn't get to do it in front of the audience, but I still did an awesome job..... even Walley said so... I wonder if that was just a come on?????
I even stood motionless for almost an hour while Sue used me as her "Vanna" to give a talk on tack fit and safety. Luck for me she parked Walley right next to me so I was able to just practice my dreamy eye at him. He gets embarrassed easily and even thought he is always hobbled he tries to slip away. Lots more to tell ya all about soon....